Building for "Digital India"

So how do we build for "digital India" that pays you nothing?

Indian users don't pay for anything. more insights here -- businesses don't pay for anything. more insights here -- our all-weather lending business model is under house arrest right now.

So what do we do?

I think the answer lies in finding a sliver of opportunity that becomes a no-brainer win-win-win for all parties.

Rupeek is doing this for gold loans. Open Financial Technologies is doing this for MSMEs. FITTR is doing this for fitness instructors & seekers. Riskcovry is doing this for insurance distributors. YAP from M2P Solutions is doing this for fintechs. Renewate is doing this for contractors. Teachmint is doing this for tutors. And there are more, whom I may not know yet.

Some are further along and some are early. But it is clear that product-first teams which laser focus on delivered value will find a way to get paid -- and to win. It's important to not view them with the old lens - but with a new one. They are also creating new TAMs & a lot more.
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